We welcome donations from anyone who supports our mission. The officers of the Foundation work without compensation. All donations received go directly to funding fellowships, except for very small administrative costs such as mailing and printing.
The amount of fellowship awards varies according to need (recipients traveling longer distances to attend the conference receive slightly larger awards). A contribution of $1500 will, on average, support one fellowship.
How to Donate
Donations may be made by check, made out to the Case Research Foundation, and mailed to:
Case Research Foundation
5110 Telegraph Avenue # 402, Oakland CA 94609
Or donate online:
The CRF is a 501(c)3 organization. Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by law. Donors will receive a written acknowledgment of their contribution. Donors’ names will be listed on the website, unless otherwise requested.
“In his long career, I think there was nothing my father enjoyed more than working with and mentoring young scholars. He especially loved working with doctoral students and spent countless hours supporting them in the development of their ideas. Dad was also deeply committed to the case method of instruction and was the author of dozens of cases, many of them widely used. I can think of no better way to honor his professional legacy than to support young academics working to become accomplished practitioners of the case method.”
OUR sponsors
We thank the following organizations, which have supported the work of the Case Research Foundation with their generous sponsorships.
We thank the following individuals, who have supported the work of the Case Research Foundation with their generous donations:
Joshin John
Shahir Kassam-Adams
Harvey Kolodny
Kerryn Krige
Harry W. Lane
Mitchell Langbert
Anne T. Lawrence
William S. (Tad) Lawrence
Jay W. Lorsch
Michael McCaskey
Terry McGovern
David Nadler (in honor of)
Jeff Paul
Mark P. Rice
Lynne and Woody Richardson
Ronald M. Roman
Kathryn Savage
Nermeen Shehata
Karin Schnarr
Melvin and Linda Stanford
Linda Swayne
Marilyn and Robert Taylor
Paul Thompson
Michael L. Tushman and Marjorie Williams
Charalambos Vlachoutsicos
Michael F. Welsh
Meredith Woodwark
Jan Zahrly
Ogechi Adeola
Mrityunjay Athreya
Sherwood E. Bain
Maria Ballesteros-Sola
James Biteman
Denise Breckon
Lew Brown
Michael Burawoy
James Carroll
Christopher Cassidy
Bala Chakravarthy
Caleb Chen
Danielle Clark
Allan and Joyce Cohen
Clifford E. Darden
Nancy Dearman and John Kotter
Robert Eccles
Timothy Edlund
Nada Elnaha
Deborah Ettington and Thomas Burean
Lisa Facey-Shaw
Victor A. Faux
Takahiro Fujimoto
Cle-Anne Gabriel
Michael Goldman
Lynda and Peter Goulet (in honor of)
Aundrea Kay Guess
Monika Gupta
Ankan Ghosh
Janis Gogan and Ashok Rao
Ranjay Gulati
Randall Harris
Matthew Hollow
Cynthia Ingols and Steven J. Spitz